Cloud Computing Search Engine


Cloud Storage

One of earliest cloud computing offering was cloud storage. Even today cloud storage remains a popular solution. Cloud storage is a huge world.  Cloud storage is an ideal solution for an enterprise which wants to maintain files off-site or of-premise.

Wikipedia describe Cloud stoarge as follows

Cloud storage is a model of networked computer data storage where data is stored on multiple virtual servers, generally hosted by third parties, rather than being hosted on dedicated servers. Hostingcompanies operate large data centers; and people who require their data to be hosted buy or lease storage capacity from them and use it for their storage needs. The data center operators, in the background, virtualize the resources according to the requirements of the customer and expose them as virtual servers, which the customers can themselves manage. Physically, the resource may span across multiple servers.

Cloud storage concerns 
Security, cost and data lock-in are the top issues in this field and are vendor-dependent. At present, Amazon S3 is the leading cloud storage provider. 

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